Every year our Lubbock Arts Festival incorporates an overall theme. This year’s theme: Renew! is perfectly suited to our featured artist. Adaptive reuse of found objects is at the core of her mixed media art. Everything from discontinued tile samples, lost chess set pieces and even lipstick lids get appropriated, and renewed.
Originally from Kansas City, Pat came to Lubbock for graduate school. She met Mike and they make their home together with a dachshund named Rudy. She has been involved with the Arts Festival since 1980 – in one way or another. She is a graphic designer, former teacher, children’s product designer, former PR director, and makes studio art of all types.
She has a love of detail, whether it is 3D or 2D artwork. Reusing materials is integrated into her miniatures, purses, greeting cards, assemblages and melted crayon paintings.
We hope the work in her booth encourages you to take a second, closer look. There is joy in second chances. Then you will understand how happy she to be a maker.