“Paint Chip Art”
Jennifer Lashbrook is a Dallas-based artist who has been working professionally since 2004. Lashbrook has become known for her ‘’Paint Chip Art”. She creates her artwork by cutting and arranging paper paint swatches into collage-style images, including landscapes, cityscapes, portraits, and famous artworks. From a distance, the colors blend to form realistic scenes, but up close, the intricate details and vibrant colors become apparent. When viewed through a cell phone camera or from afar, the images appear even clearer, like a photograph. Using a cell phone as a filter adds an engaging, interactive element to the viewing experience.
Lashbrook holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drawing and Painting from the University of North Texas. She has won numerous awards at prestigious arts festivals across the country, is represented in several galleries, and her artwork has been featured in Forbes Magazine, Empire, and the Netflix Original Series “Beats.”